
Orchard House Care Home Honour D-Day Heroes

Orchard House Care Home is known for creating memorable moments and commemorating the lives of the residents who live at the Nursing, Residential, and Dementia Care Home in Wisbech.

The home has a long history of honouring and celebrating the armed forces and service men and women. So, it was no surprise when the home was recently part of the town’s 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings.

The home had been watching the coverage on the BBC in the lead-up to the June 6th anniversary. There had been many occasions for reminiscence in the days leading up to it, including remembering Winston Churchill’s famous speech. Some residents still vividly remembered listening to it;


Hilda, aged 99, said, “I remember hearing it like it was yesterday.”

The remembrance service and lighting of the lantern were held at Wisbech Park, where members of the community were also accompanied by serving and retired service men and women and the cadet band of the RAF.

As the service took place and the music played, many of the residents remembered the music played by the cadets and hummed or whistled along with them. Wally, aged 90, and John, aged 83, enjoyed tapping away to the beat of drums, and Roy, aged 89, whistled along with them.

Sarah Watson, the home’s General Manager, said,

“It was really important for the residents to be a part of this event, and I am incredibly proud of the team of staff who were willing to help make this happen.”

As the Mayor lit the lantern, emotions were high as the flames rose up to the evening sky. Mavis, aged 95, said she was really moved by it all as she still could remember being a teenager when it happened.

Honey Berry, Dementia Ambassador, said,

“It was lovely getting out in the community and being made to feel so welcome. This was a great way to reminisce with the residents about D-Day”

Everyone felt very welcomed by the community and felt very much part of the commemoration. The mayor came over to share his gratitude for everyone attending, along with other councillors and veterans.

Miranda Robinson, Lifestyle Lead, said,

“I believe it is very important for the residents to be part of such significant events and moments, and this was a perfect example of why. The feedback from the residents and families about how much this meant to them was priceless.”


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